Printers 401k

Printers 401k has been serving companies in the printing industry since 1985. The Printers401k® is responsible for the day-to-day management of your 401k plan, reducing your responsibility and liability of managing your plan.

The Printers401k® program transfers specific fiduciary responsibilities from you to; the discretionary trustees services, provided by Printing Industries 401k Trustees, 3(16) administrative fiduciary services provided by PISTL Service Corporation, 3(38) Investment Fiduciary services provided by Diversified Financial Advisors, LLC.

By partnering with Printers401k, you gain access to a team of industry-leading professionals with the experience and knowledge to review your unique circumstances, analyze the options available, and make best-practice recommendations.

Some benefits we seek to provide our plan sponsors include:

When working with Printers 401k, you are the plan sponsor without all of the fiduciary liability and responsibility. Learn more by visiting